Everfit Team's articles

What is Tempo?

Tempo is a critical component of exercise prescription. Effective use of tempo can lead to desired adaptations. Trevor outlines what tempo is and how to use it.  Key takeaways: Tempo can increase or manipulate time under tension Tempo gives more depth to exercise prescription Tempo gives athletes a sense of focus and specificity.  In this […]
Everfit Team
Jul 21, 2021 3 min read

What are Warm-up set, Drop set, Failure set, superset & Giant set

Not all sets are created equal. Trevor outlines the different case uses of different set types.  Key takeaways: The warm up set, also known as movement prep, is critical to prime the nervous system and muscles for the work to come. Drop sets can be used to increase power output and increase training volume. Sets […]
Everfit Team
Jul 21, 2021 6 min read

Exercises Rx for Conditioning

There are key considerations when prescribing exercises for conditioning or weight loss. Trevor outlines different training models, including: max reps, AMRAP workouts, timed workouts, interval workouts, and EMOM. Key takeaways: Training models based on max # of reps have been increasing in popularity Benefits include exercise prescription for groups, pre-post data, and that it accounts […]
Everfit Team
Jul 21, 2021 5 min read

The Comprehensive Assessment and Need Analysis

In this video, Trevor explains what is included in a comprehensive assessment, outlines the 5 components of health-related fitness, and discusses the importance of a proper needs analysis Key takeaways: A comprehensive assessment evaluates an individual’s baseline levels of psychosocial health, goals & objectives, physical health, performance, and takes baseline measures for pre-post analysis The […]
Everfit Team
Jul 21, 2021 7 min read

🌈 New power-ups: Repeat Tasks, Invite Link, Forum Tagging, and Pin a Post

Assign repeated tasks to clients with one click Want to save even more time when inputting tasks? The new task repeat feature will help with that. There is no need to copy and paste, just do it all at once! Workspace invitation link A workspace invitation link is not only going to help your clients […]
Everfit Team
Jul 17, 2021 2 min read

“Essentials of Program Design” Overview by Trevor Short

In this video, Trevor introduces himself, the course outline, what you will learn, what it means to be an educated coach, and how all coaches are scientists. Key Takeaways: An educated coach systematically uses the scientific method, is constantly learning, and backs their training philosophy with science published in peer-reviewed journals All coaches are scientists, […]
Everfit Team
Jul 02, 2021 4 min read

Supercharge Your Automated Coaching with Multiple Autoflows

Assign Multiple Autoflows to Each Client Autoflow is better than ever! Now you can increase your productivity by adding multiple autoflows to each client, from onboarding, training, messaging, tasks, and workout. Learn more To-do List for Coaches: Organize your daily work with our new task management tool. We’re here to help you stay on track. […]
Everfit Team
Jun 02, 2021 2 min read

New Features: Steps Tracking and New Leaderboards

Now Your Clients Can Automatically Track Steps Increase client accountability with our integrated Steps Tracking feature, which syncs directly with each client’s Apple Health or Google Fit. Start by setting a steps goal to push your clients! Launch a Steps Challenge One small step for your client… leads to one giant step for their fitness. […]
Everfit Team
May 18, 2021 < 1 min read

4 Tips for Creating a Meal Plan that Your Clients Will Follow

A meal plan is a great way to improve one’s diet. After all, planning meals and snacks in advance increases the chances of making healthier food choices, and you also get to control your portions. Aside from these benefits, you can also make meal plans more appealing to your clients by promoting the financial perks. […]
Everfit Team
May 11, 2021 4 min read

Important updates on Tasks, Workout Builder and Autoflow

5 Improvements for Tasks Tasks within the Coach App: View task assignments and completion results directly from your phone Task Library: Save time by saving your tasks and reusing them later for any client. Task Reminder: Set a specific time to send a push notification to remind clients  Task Comments: Receive responses or strike a […]
Everfit Team
Apr 10, 2021 2 min read