Everfit Team's articles

Embrace the Future of Training with Coach Laura Su

COVID-19 has changed the fitness industry. Instructors and coaches have seen their finances drastically reduced because of the pandemic impact on everyday life. The closure of gyms, studios, and recreation centers have left trainers scrambling to adjust to the new normal and to find a way to compensate for their losses. This pandemic has forced […]
Everfit Team
Sep 22, 2020 3 min read

5 Strategies To Build A Successful Digital Fitness Business In The COVID-19 Era

Fitness businesses have shut down across the globe in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in public spaces. Even as some States announce reopening plans that include health clubs and gyms, the protocols for social distancing will definitely remain, requiring owners of fitness businesses, both ones that have reopened or those mandated to […]
Everfit Team
Aug 05, 2020 6 min read

Lean into your Superpower with Online coach Ashley Hodge

Can you describe your background in fitness? Feel free to go way back! Your online coach Ashley is here. My introduction to the weight room began as a track athlete in high school. Throughout high school and college, my weight was up and down. It was when I enrolled in my master’s program that I […]
Everfit Team
Jul 04, 2020 3 min read