Power Hour

Five Rules for Effectively Communicating with Online Training Clients

In the fast-evolving world of fitness coaching and training, online client engagement is a vital aspect of ensuring long-term success. Building trust, promoting behavior change, and achieving substantial results with your online clients necessitate a strategic approach. Here are five essential steps to guide fitness coaches and trainers in this endeavor. 1. Unlock the Client’s […]
Everfit Team
Nov 15, 2023 4 min read

Goal-Setting Strategies: Guiding Your Clients to Year-End Fitness Triumph

As the year starts to wind down, it’s the perfect time for fitness coaches and trainers to help their clients set end-of-year fitness goals. These goals can provide a powerful source of motivation and direction as we approach the final stretch of the year. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of setting realistic fitness […]
Everfit Team
Sep 29, 2023 4 min read

How To Check In And Build Your Relationship With Clients During Their Vacations

Discover how to stay in contact and maintain a professional relationship with personal training clients while they are on vacation.  Vacation can seem like a dirty word in the personal training business. Indeed, when your client declares that they are off on vacation you may worry that after a week or two of the ‘good […]
Everfit Team
Jul 27, 2023 4 min read

7 Tips for Getting Organized and Streamlining Your Workflow with Everfit

Spring is here, and with it comes renewed energy and a desire for a fresh start. As a fitness coach, now is the perfect time to “spring clean” your coaching business, and Everfit is here to help you get organized and streamline your workflow. Here are some tips for getting started: 1. Clean up Your […]
Everfit Team
May 10, 2023 4 min read

Creative Ways to Keep Your Clients Engaged and Excited about Their Workouts in Spring

Discover some innovative new ways to keep your clients engaged and excited about their workouts in Spring.  As a personal trainer, you are likely well aware of the fact that client motivation levels are not always the most consistent. In fact, they tend to ebb and flow quite considerably from one week to the next.  […]
Everfit Team
Apr 18, 2023 6 min read

How Everfit Helps You Start Habit Coaching With Ease

Everfit’s Habit Coaching feature is equipped with everything you need to help clients implement lasting change in their lives. From customizable habits to automated reminders, Habit Coaching lets you connect with clients on a personal level and nudge them toward their goals. Read on to discover all the ways Habit Coaching can transform your business […]
Everfit Team
Apr 04, 2023 3 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Habit Coaching

The majority of life is based on habits. People eat the same breakfast every Monday morning. They take the same fitness class every Wednesday afternoon. They drink the same milkshake every Friday night. As humans, people are inclined to develop habits. People thrive on them. But sometimes these habits can be detrimental to one’s health. […]
Everfit Team
Apr 04, 2023 4 min read

7 Tips for Getting Organized and Streamlining Your Workflow with Everfit

Spring is here, and with it comes renewed energy and a desire for a fresh start. As a fitness coach, now is the perfect time to “spring clean” your coaching business, and Everfit is here to help you get organized and streamline your workflow. Here are some tips for getting started: 1. Clean up Your […]
Everfit Team
Mar 31, 2023 4 min read

5 Expert Tips for Retaining Training Clients

March is the time when clients tend to lose sight of their goals and fall off track. Some may be discouraged and others may be tempted to give up on training altogether. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Everfit’s platform is full of tools and features to help you motivate, monitor, and maintain […]
Everfit Team
Mar 16, 2023 4 min read

5 Tips for Scaling Your Fitness Business

Once you’ve mastered your coaching skills and established a stable client base, you can focus on scaling your business. Stand out from the competition, grow clientele, and increase revenue with these 5 realistic business initiatives.  1. Build Your Community 2. Launch a Low-Touch Program 3. Ask for Client Feedback  4. Update your Marketing Assets 5. […]
Everfit Team
Mar 02, 2023 4 min read