New Power-ups: 7 New Features to Boost your Online Coaching 💥
2 min read

New Power-ups: 7 New Features to Boost your Online Coaching 💥

Everfit Team
Dec 10, 2021 2 min read

Check out 7 new features below that can enhance your business workflow and help you save time!

1. Consultation Attachment

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Upload a consultation document for any client for quick data access ⚡️

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2. Turn off Workouts Comment

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Low-touch members at your gym? Provide training programs without the chatter.

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3. Allow clients to set their own Macros Goal

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Turn on the option to let your clients update their own Macros goal 📊

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4. Admin Inbox

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Have visibility and check in on any conversation with clients in your workspace 📩

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5. Print Workouts to PDF

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Print out a PDF version of any workout if your client wants to train phone-free at the gym.

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6. Resource Collection updates

Updates to Boost your Online Coaching

Add a cover image for your collections or add a description to introduce any section of resources.

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7. Settings for your Invite Link

Set up your invite link, so either clients get added automatically when they sign up through your link, or they join a waitlist until you approve them.

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