Discover some innovative new ways to keep your clients engaged and excited about their workouts in Spring.
As a personal trainer, you are likely well aware of the fact that client motivation levels are not always the most consistent. In fact, they tend to ebb and flow quite considerably from one week to the next.
There are many reasons for this. For example, when a person first starts exercising regularly, they tend to see quick results, especially when it comes to weight loss. However, this will naturally reach a slowing point at some stage, where further results tend to be more gradual, which could cause a drop in motivation. While they are still making great progress, they may feel as though their hard work is no longer paying off and, as a result, see little reason to continue. Other external factors, such as stress levels or personal life, can also take a toll on their motivation levels.
As such, it’s important that you’re able to find new and innovative ways to keep them engaged so that they continue to show up and put in the work each week. This will be mutually beneficial for both parties. Your clients will be able to reach their long and short-term goals, and you can build a steady roster of clients.
With that in mind, here are some creative ways to keep your clients engaged and excited about their workouts in spring.
Outdoor boot camps
Why not take advantage of the rising temperatures and sun-filled skies by hosting an outdoor boot camp for your clients?
There are many benefits associated with this kind of workout. Firstly, it provides them with a welcome change from their usual gym or home-based sessions, which can leave them with a fresh sense of enthusiasm. You may also find that these workouts are even more beneficial than indoor sessions, as they encourage your clients to spend more time outdoors, which is scientifically proven to be good for both their mental and physical health.

As you’re trying something new in terms of location, you could also try a range of different activities within your boot camp, such as:
- Jump rope.
- Stretches & lunges.
- Crunches.
- Running.
Remember, the more varied your workout, the better, as this helps your clients work toward a variety of fitness goals, such as weight loss and muscle building. It can also combat boredom, as each session is different.
Furthermore, boot camps are a great example of fun group activities, which could help your clients make new friends who will help them stay focused on their fitness journey. This can help them stay motivated as they are working out in a supportive environment.
Partner Workouts
Partner workouts can be another great way to help your clients stay engaged this Spring. This is due to the fact that each partner can motivate the other, even when they aren’t having the best day. Furthermore, this encourages them to hold themselves accountable, as they are less likely to skip a session if they know that someone else is waiting for them.

Fortunately, there are many different forms of partner activities you may want to try out with your clients. For example, you could set them a planking challenge to see who can hold a plank for the longest while also encouraging them to clap or press their hands together at regular intervals. This can help them to improve their balance and core strength.
Fitness Scavenger Hunts
While you may remember scavenger hunts from your time at School, there’s no reason why you can not recreate them in adulthood – with a fitness-themed twist. For example, you could hide instruction cards with different fitness activities around your gym (or outdoor space) and encourage your clients to find them and complete the activities listed. Whoever completes it first (whether they be in teams or working solo) wins a prize.

This is a great option for many reasons. Firstly, it once again breaks down the monotony of continuous and repeated workouts, even if the exercises they’re completing are similar to those they usually try out. Furthermore, you can use this as a way to introduce new exercises or tasks to their routines without them feeling overwhelmed.
By ensuring they are not overwhelmed when working out, you’re making it easier for them to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. As a result, they are much more likely to remain motivated and focused. Conversely, if you make new tasks seem daunting, your clients are more likely to withdraw or shy away from challenges.
Dance-Fitness Parties
Everyone loves a good party! Hosting some kind of fitness party, such as a dance-fitness party, can be another great morale booster for your clients. After all, it gives them a chance to socialize while also breaking a sweat.
Dance parties are a great way to introduce clients who may prefer strength exercises to the world of cardio and the many benefits it can bring. For example, combining weightlifting with dance can lead to “more dramatic fat loss and muscle gain, increasing their overall strength and stamina.”
Furthermore, dancing triggers the release of endorphins, which “create a feeling of comfort, relaxation, fun, and power.” As a result, this can also be a great way to boost motivation as your clients are doing something that actually makes them feel good, even if it does not promise immediate results.
Fitness Games
As a personal trainer or sports coach, it’s your responsibility to find as many ways as possible to drive client engagement. Fitness games or competitions are great ways to facilitate this because they tap into your client’s competitive nature, giving them a renewed sense of focus and determination.

According to a recent study published in Medical News Today, a sense of friendly competition is the biggest motivator when it comes to getting people moving, more so than social support and other forms of positive reinforcement.
When your clients succeed, they’ll also feel a sense of pride which can restore their motivation and encourage them to keep working towards their next set of goals.
Be their biggest fan
While this much may seem obvious, sometimes the key to keeping your clients motivated and focused has nothing to do with the exercise they’re carrying out and everything to do with their trainer or fitness coach. As a result, you need to show them that you’re their biggest fan by providing them with a constant stream of motivation and support.
For example, you should always make sure to complement them when they do something good. Even if they’ve yet to reach a specific goal, show them all they’ve achieved on the way to that goal and the difference between their skills now and when they first started out.
Of course, this does not mean that you cannot offer your clients some constructive criticism, especially when you consider the fact that this, too can act as an incentive or a motivator, as it gives them something to work toward moving forward.
You should also make it clear that you’re always available to answer any questions they might have or to address any concerns, especially if they are feeling unmotivated and unfocused. This way, you’ll be able to get them back on track in no time at all.
Use Everfit to keep your clients excited about their workouts
You can also use the EverFit Platform to find new ways to drum up excitement and enthusiasm with your clients this spring (and throughout the rest of 2023).
For example, you could encourage them to start new healthy habits by adding the above springtime activities to their calendar using tasks and habits tool. This way, they’ll never lose track of the fun events you’re planning, and they’ll also receive daily task reminders. This will act as a further incentive for them to work out.
For competitive workouts and activities, you can create a leaderboard, which makes it easier for clients to indulge in a touch of friendly competition. This way, your clients can see how their progress compares to that of their peers, which could provide them with some extra incentives to keep working. Furthermore, it shows that everyone is working toward something great, even if they’re at different stages in their exercise journey.
You should also set up a forum where clients can provide each other with some morale support, discuss their goals or even share workout tips with each other. This will help you to establish a sense of community between yourself and your clients, which helps everyone stay motivated. You could also ask clients to suggest different springtime activities they’d like to try out, so you can add something new to your calendar.
Try Everfit today and take your client training experience to new heights!